English Translation > See Below
'Eccovi la mia storia: ho molto in comune con altre mogli di militari,ma la mia storia è un po diversa: anch'io ho indossato la divisa. Durante il mio primo anno di sevizio,un sera in pizzeria,ho incontrato Emanuele. Sapete com'è sentirsi innamorati? Ecco,io l'ho scoperto a 19 anni! Un bacio all'improvviso, come un tuffo nella neve fredda, ha cambiato per sempre la mia vita. Lui doveva partire per l'Afghanistan,ma rinunciò quando seppe che dentro di me cresceva il frutto del nostro amore. Ero ad un bivio: il bimbo o l'esercito. La scelta è stata tutt'altro che complicata.... Nel 2010 io e il mio soldato ci sposiamo, dopo una convivenza di più di un anno, e decidiamo di acquistare casa, quando una nuova missione è già alle porte. A maggio lui parte per l'Afghanistan,io giù a Napoli dalla mia famiglia. La cosa non è facile, le persone non capiscono la tua situazione, non fanno altro che chiederti"Ma come fai?Io al tuo posto non ci riuscirei a stargli 6 mesi lontana" e mi veniva da rispondere male, ma il buon senso me lo impediva :)
(Avete appena letto le parole di Raffaela, che ringraziamo per aver condiviso con noi la sua bellissima Storia. Se desiderate anche voi raccontarci la vostra esperienza di vita, come familiare di un Militare, scriveteci a laltrametadelladivisa@gmail.com e la pubblicheremo sul nostro Blog!)
We've got mail: Raffaela's Story
(Translation by Mrs Karen Brooker Villani)
We've got mail: Raffaela's Story
(Translation by Mrs Karen Brooker Villani)
Here is my story:
I have a lot of common with other military wives but my story is a little different as I too wore the uniform.
During my first year in the military I met Emanuele one evening in a pizzeria. You know what it is like to be in love? Well, I discovered it at 19 years old!
A sudden kiss, just like a dive into cold snow, changed my life forever. He was going to leave for Afghanistan but then changed his mind when he learned that I was going to have a baby. I was at a crossroads, the baby or the army.
It wasn’t a difficult choice.
In 2010 we got married after living together for a year and we were about to buy a house when a new deployment appeared on the horizon. He left for Afghanistan in May and I went down to stay with my family in Naples. It was not easy. People don’t really understand the situation, they just keep asking you ‘how can you stay 6 months apart like that, I couldn’t if I were you’ and you feel like answering the m back rudely and you bite your tongue. The only thing that kept me going was to read the Facebook pages of military wives who really understand what you are going through. In fact I started my own page: MILITARY WOMEN, A BIT CRAZY AND A BIT POETIC”
In the August I went to Florida, USA, to see an auntie of mine and whilst there I discovered the Page: I am the One that loves You Alone (Io che amo solo te) which was set up by a very nice American girl. She also explained to me the meaning of the yellow ribbons that I kept seeing tied around trees. Just a ribbon – no words – which meant ‘Support our Troops’
I came back to Italy with loads of fridge magnets, stickers and anything else that had a yellow ribbon on it so that I could create something in Italy which I thought was missing. Manu came back after a difficult deployment and we went to live in in our new house…..by the way, I expect you would like to know which one I chose? Well, I chose them both! Antonio takes up my day completely and as for the army, instead of serving I married it!!
Why am I telling you my story? To show you how many sacrifices a family has to make, how much sweat it takes to be happy and how many things you have to give up.
Will I ever wear that uniform again? Who knows…for now it is enough just to take a look at it every now and again. It hangs in the wardrobe next to Manu’s so I can see it every morning. I am content just to see Manu wearing it….one way or another the Army will always be a part of my life.
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